Perioral Dermatitis Treatment

Have you been affected by a red rash around your mouth and tried ‘everything’ to treat it? The good news is that this condition can be treated successfully by ‘Queen of the Skin’!

Benefits of Perioral Dermatitis Treatment

Natural Results

Walk In, Walk Out Treatment

Minimal Downtime

What is Perioral Dermatitis?

Perioral Dermatitis is an inflammatory rash that is commonly seen around the mouth. This rash often contains dry skin and can be painful, causing a burning sensation and may also include red puss-filled lumps around the mouth.

Whilst the exact cause is unknown, Perioral Dermatitis has been seen to occur as a result of the use of prescription drugs, more specifically, topical steroids.

Perioral Dermatitis Treatment

Queen of the Skin has been treating Perioral Dermatitis for over 12 years, using a unique combination treatment approach that includes the use of a specialised laser device, skin needling and Light Emitting Diode (LED) Therapy.

Our state-of-the-art technology can clear your Perioral Dermatitis. Our laser device has been designed with a small pen-tip head, shaped to specifically target Perioral Dermatitis and treats the bacteria contained within skin puss-filled lumps associated within Perioral Dermatitis.

Skin needling is used as an adjunct treatment, to be performed immediately after the laser treatment. Skin needling causes light ‘trauma’ to the skin which facilitates the production of immune cells which promotes healing. In addition, skin needling will reduce pore size and will provide a much clearer and more even skin tone.

LED Therapy works by activating the skin cells with pulses of light energy. The cells convert the light energy into fuel which stimulates the production of proteins and lipids which are essential for building and repairing the skin. This will result in a significant improvement of Perioral Dermatitis symptoms within just one single treatment!

How long does the procedure take?

The perioral treatment takes around 1 hour. Please allow an additional 30 minutes if you wish to be consulted and treated within the same visit – this will allow time to complete a Patient Registration Form, receive a thorough skin assessment and consultation, and to discuss the procedure and post-care instructions.

How many treatments will I require?

Improvements in your Perioral Dermatitis condition will be seen shortly after your first treatment. However, this is an iterative treatment process, and a regular course of treatments is required to optimise results.

Is the treatment painful?

Typically, anaesthetic is not required. The treatment is often termed ‘uncomfortable’ but is tolerated well among most age groups. With that said, if you would like anaesthetic, topical and local anaesthetic options are available to numb the skin.

Post treatment results

Following your treatment there will be some redness and possible swelling on and around the treated areas for up to 72 hours. In addition, a temporary scab will form, and this is a natural part of the treatment process and the scabbing will usually fall off within 7-10 days. Once the scab has fallen off, the area will be red (due to new capillary formation to heal and repair the treated area), and over several months, the redness will dissipate.

Post Care

You will be requested to send an image of the treated area 3 days post treatment. This is to ensure that the treated area is healing well and that you have kept the skin hydrated well. Of course, if at any time you have questions or concerns, you should contact our clinic to arrange a face-to-face appointment.

During the healing process, you can wear makeup to conceal the treated area – recommendations will be provided with regards to the best types of makeup to be used.

You will be provided with a post-care form along with verbal instructions to care for the treated area.

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